Robert Herman Engineering

Residential and Commercial Structural Engineering

How we work
Our services are provided in the spirit of extraordinary teamwork and we engage stakeholders in all phases of a building project from feasibility study through construction. Careful attention to system selection, performance, cost, energy use, and opportunities for increased value to the owner is paid to each project without exception.

We have a deep respect for the integration of mechanical and electrical system technology with the architecture of the building. And, our commitment to client service, collaboration, and technical mastery has led architects, owners and other engineering firms to entrust us with their important projects



Engineering Services

Architectural Engineering

Gerald Herman– one of the best architectural and engineering services firms in Massachusetts facilitates architects, engineers, and other construction professionals to integrate digital drawings in the construction project.

Our architectural modellers work with building design drawings and 3d models for accurate clash detection. We remodel building projects in a complex environment following the guidelines set by the Building Code of the USA, American Standards & requirements of the Local Authority.

Engineering, Procurement, and Construction

Engineering, Procurement, and Construction




As a strong economic and social player, Gerald Herman Engineering seeks to put people and the environment first and conduct its business in full compliance with regulations and industry standards. To this end, the Company brings together a series of operating principles under the broad heading of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Thanks so much for everything, and best believe I’ll never forget the Gerald Herman Engineering. Gerald Engineering has a place in my heart, always.


-Parker Holt, Petroleum Engineer, Lonquist & CO. LLC

Gerald Herman Engineering is one of those rare companies that not only has adopted Core Values with integrity but actually lives by them. Scan employees from the top down are loyal and concerned for one another’s welfare.

They realize by working as a cohesive team, they all come out ahead. They keep one another accountable and as a result they perform at a high level and stay on the cutting edge of safety and technology.  

- Matt Raines, Director Frontier Camp

We have had the opportunity to work with Gerald Herman Engineering  for almost 4 years. I can honestly say that this company employs some of the best people in the oilfield. Their crews, from the top down, are friendly, honest and professional. We sincerely value our working relationship and I can honestly say that Gerald Herman Engineering is my favorite company in the field to work with! Thanks guys, and keep up the great work.

- Marty Hinnenkamp - R&J Electrical Technician